Nails say about your health? Extremely useful information

Nails say about your health? Extremely useful information

Nails say about your health? Extremely useful information

Birmingham (PakCover) Of course, cleaning and beautification of your nails will look much but maybe you did not ever consider that your nails are made about your health. We fingernails extremely interesting and important information about health are available on the following.

1:- If your nails look yellow, which is a sign of iron deficiency in red blood cells may be decreased. To resolve this issue green leaves vegetables, peas and red meat consumption increase.
Nails say about your health? Extremely useful information

2:- Be abnormally thick and full of nails in them is a sign of infection and should consult a doctor.
Nails say about your health? Extremely useful information
3:- Lines appear on the nail when it got dark noma disease may be due to this, I must contact the doctor.
Nails say about your health? Extremely useful information
4:- Sores or small pits in the nails appearance is a sign of psoriasis, This anomaly is due to the growth of the nails is created.
Nails say about your health? Extremely useful information

5:- Nails break easily and be filled with the thyroid gland is a sign of malfunction.
Nails say about your health? Extremely useful information
6:- Appearance of white long lines liver, kidney and shows a lack of protein.
Nails say about your health? Extremely useful information
7:- Blue fingernails grow a sign that they are not getting oxygen and respiratory diseases also warns. The circulation slows nails turn blue and very cold weather continued to suffer from this condition may arise.
Nails say about your health? Extremely useful information

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